Acupuncture Reduces Stress of Infertility

Acupuncture research from Australia.

Research conducted by the University of Western Sydney in Australia, suggests women experiencing infertility, find acupuncture can help to reduce their stress levels. In the pilot study, 32 women with infertility, aged 20 to 45, received six acupuncture treatments over eight weeks. Compared to another group of women left on a waiting-list as controls, the women in the acupuncture group described acupuncture as having a positive impact: they reported among other things, reduced stress and anxiety, increased physical relaxation and psychological calm, and an altered perspective in relation to coping. They also regarded acupuncture as an intervention having very few negative side-effects.

(The Effect of Acupuncture on Psychosocial Outcomes for Women Experiencing Infertility: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Altern & Complementary Medicine, October 2011.)