US Military Base adopts a Holistic Approach

Research from America: acupuncture for anxiety.
A study undertaken at Madigan Army Medical Center, Washington State, has shown how a holistic, multi-treatment approach can benefit patients with generalised anxiety disorders.

A total of 37 patients with generalised anxiety, received acupuncture once per week for six weeks, in conjunction with a structured self-care programme which included yogic breathing, massage, dietary changes and exercise. The participants showed significant reductions in anxiety, as well as reductions in pain levels and use of medication. The researchers conclude, “By expanding our understanding and acceptance of different types of medical theory and practices, such as TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), the potential to improve clinical outcomes and a patient’s quality of life, using fewer medications and medical resources, may be significantly higher than what is offered by our current options.”

(Treating generalized anxiety disorder using complementary and alternative medicine. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, September 2013.)